Five Ways To Get The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer

No matter what kind of crime someone has been charged with, he or she benefits from getting the best qualified legal counsel. Read on to figure out how smart defendants choose high-quality criminal defense lawyers to help them get their voices heard in court.

Evaluating the Lawyer's Bedside Manner

Just like a doctor or other high-level professional who's helping someone, a lawyer's attitude toward clients is ultimately important. You may have heard this same rule for choosing a doctor or a real estate agent. The rule is this: choose someone who is personable and with whom you feel comfortable.

Many potential clients who get a bad vibe from a lawyer benefit from going with this first impression and choosing a different firm. Lawyers need to be on their client's side and are a vital source of support, not just in court, but through the entire process of a criminal case. Find out more from this resource from the American Bar Association.

Avoiding Vagueness on Price

Lawyers who are not up front about pricing and fees often try to stick customers with an outsized bill nearer to the end of a process. Don't settle for general assurances that fees are built into the case, or that fees will be negligible. Get it in writing to know that you're dealing with a reputable firm.

Looking at the Lawyer's Experience

To get the best legal counsel, the defendant should see that the attorney he or she is talking to has experience in the particular kind of criminal defense that's relevant. For example, some criminal defense lawyer specializing DUI/DWI, family law or other specialties.

Avoiding "Push to Plea"

Another big element of legal counsel is whether a lawyer pushes a client one way toward a guilty or innocent plea, or whether that lawyer fully explains both options and lets the client decide. Some less reputable attorneys will push a client to plead guilty for their own reasons. Have a full conversation about this aspect of the legal process before retaining a criminal lawyer.

Evaluating Guarantees

There should be no guarantees in the legal process, but rather, a full and reflective look at the possible outcomes in court. Some lawyers actually give clients false security by making big promises up front. This is another red flag for those who need the best legal defense in a criminal case.

Look at all of these issues before going ahead with getting criminal defense counsel.
