Two Modern Ways Deadbeat Parents Hide Income
One of the most common excuses non-custodial parents give for not paying child support is they don't have a source of income. If you notice your ex seems to be supporting him or herself with no problems or bragging about new purchases on social media, there's a good chance he or she is getting paid under the table. Here are two ways your ex may be getting cash and what you can do to capture some of it.
It's A Process: Divorce And The Road Ahead
If you are going through a divorce, it can be an emotionally draining and confusing time. It may help you a little if you understand the process and can get an idea of what's ahead. Most divorces follow a very similar route, even if some seem to get detoured occasionally. Read on for a quick guide to get you through the coming weeks and months.
Your separation: This is the first step in the process, and it may surprise you to know that parting ways and creating separate households is actually a legal step.
4 Key Mistakes To Avoid After You've Been In A Motorcycle Accident
Motorcyclists tend to be among the most cautious motorists on the road, perhaps because they know what's at stake and how devastating motorcycle accidents can be. Even with taking the right precautions, however, you could still find yourself the victim of a motorcycle accident as a result of someone else's carelessness. Should you ever find yourself in this position, there are some common mistakes you'll need to avoid.
Admitting or Implying Fault
How To Determine If You Should File For Social Security
If you have been toying around with the idea of applying for social security due to a permanent disability, but you are not yet sure if you would have a good shot at being approved, you will want to keep reading. While there are no guarantees regarding who is approved right away and who will have to fight through an appeal, if you find that you have the following situations, you might have a solid case to present to a lawyer to help you with the process:
Five Common Mistakes People Make at the Accident Scene
The way you respond in the immediate aftermath of a vehicle accident can have a huge impact on any resulting lawsuit you file. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes right after their accidents that undermine a case that they should have easily won.
It's important for accident victims to avoid making the following five common mistakes at the accident scene so that they don't risk not getting compensation for accident damages:
Protect Yourself With A Real Estate Attorney When Purchasing Commercial Property
You've spent years envisioning your new business, making detailed plans and securing capital to fulfill your dreams. Now comes the task of securing a location for your business. Don't engage in this process on your own. There are many nuisances that can come along with commercial properties that aren't always present in residential transactions. An attorney can ensure you're protected by reviewing a number of small details.
Legal Liability Risk Factors
Planning Your Estate When You Have One Heir with a Disability and One Heir Who Isn't Disabled
Estate planning can happen in many forms. The bottom line is that you have to decide what to do with your assets once you are gone. Whether you leave a life-insurance policy to one heir and a bank account to another is up to you. If you die without a will, and you have two children, both will inherit half of your estate. If the estate includes plenty of property, the property may need to be liquidated before money is distributed.