3 Ways To Optimize Your Potential Personal Injury Compensation
If you've been injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, you may be able to request compensation for your injuries, suffering, and even loss of income that are a result of the crash. You will likely need to haggle with the other party's insurance adjuster when you file your personal injury claim, so it's a good idea to work with a lawyer to represent you throughout the process. Here are a few other things you can do to optimize your potential personal injury compensation:
Keep a Progress Diary
A great way to support your lawyer so they can effectively represent your case is to keep a daily progress diary. Each evening, spend some time documenting things like the amount and type of medications you've had to take throughout the day, any doctor or physical therapy appointments you had, the amount of pain you were in, whether or not you missed work and lost income, and your general mood about the day. All of this information will help create a picture of your recovery progress and enable your lawyer to better gauge how much compensation your case is worth.
Take Recovery Photos
Taking photos of your visible injuries throughout the recovery process, as well as of your vehicle before and after repairs are done, is another excellent way to help build a strong case for your personal injury claim. Take initial photos of your vehicle's condition and your own physical injuries as soon as possible after the accident. Then take photos of the vehicle after it's been repaired, and take pictures of your injuries until they are healed. Have your photos developed so they can be submitted as physical evidence if necessary.
Make Copies of all Paperwork
It's important to make sure that your lawyer gets a copy of all the documentation you receive that are associated with the vehicle accident, even if they seem insignificant to you. Receipts for medication (even over-the-counter), vehicle repair bills, physical checkup reports, therapy invoices, and insurance forms should all be gathered into a file folder or drawer for safe keeping. Make copies of each document as you receive them and send them to your attorney so they can maintain a file for you at their office.
You should find that these methods and techniques help to make your lawyer's job easier, which in turn should maximize the potential compensation you're awarded, as well as possibly save you some money on legal fees. For more information, contact a personal injury law firm like Geoffrey S. Gulinson & Associates PC.