Two Modern Ways Deadbeat Parents Hide Income
One of the most common excuses non-custodial parents give for not paying child support is they don't have a source of income. If you notice your ex seems to be supporting him or herself with no problems or bragging about new purchases on social media, there's a good chance he or she is getting paid under the table. Here are two ways your ex may be getting cash and what you can do to capture some of it.
The Gig Economy
One societal change that has allowed people to make secret income is the rise of the gig economy. In this industry, people work as contractors who get paid on a per-task basis rather than receive a steady paycheck from an employer. For instance, people on get paid per dog they babysit, board, or walk.
In the gig economy, people can work as much or as little as they want, and they avoid getting caught by the government because the companies they work for typically aren't required to report the names of contractors to family service agencies like they must with regular employees. Additionally, any money support skippers make is typically funneled through virtual accounts that are hard to track, such as Paypal.
It can be difficult to determine if your ex is getting paid through the gig economy. One way is to search through contractor profiles to see if you can find him or her. Passengers can access information about drivers through Lyft Profiles, for example.
Another thing you can do is pay close attention to your ex's environment or what your kids may be saying about him or her. If you notice your ex is hiding an Uber sign in the trunk of the car or the kids start talking about the different kinds of dogs your ex is babysitting, there's a good chance he or she is making money with these side gigs.
Direct-to-Consumer Products
Another way many people trying to avoid paying child support earn money is by selling products directly to consumers. For instance, one person made money selling music directly to the public rather than going through traditional and trackable distribution channels.
The internet offers numerous ways for people to sell stuff to people online. For instance, people can sell craft items on Etsy or used possessions on EBay. In fact, Patreon lets people essentially develop a subscription-based business where customers get benefits every month in exchange for a set fee.
Tracking down this money can be difficult, especially if your ex-spouse is smart and uses a fake name. However, you may still be able to catch him or her by paying close attention to the person's social media. If you notice links to products for sale or he or she seems to be flashing a lot of cash or bragging about expensive purchases, he or she may be operating a direct-to-consumer business.
Once you figure out what your ex is doing, contact your divorce attorney, someone from a place like Bergermann Law Firm, as soon as possible. Your lawyer can advise you on the next step to take to capture money your ex owes you.